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Neumorphism Loader Using HTML, CSS and JS


This is a simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript implementation of a neumorphism-style loader. Neumorphism is a design trend that aims to create a soft, 3D-like appearance, often with elements that appear to be pressed into or extruded from a background surface.

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Neumorphism Loader

This is a simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript implementation of a neumorphism-style loader. Neumorphism is a design trend that aims to create a soft, 3D-like appearance, often with elements that appear to be pressed into or extruded from a background surface.


  • Neumorphism-style loader design.
  • Displays a loading percentage.


You can use this code by following these simple steps:

  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine.

  2. Open the index.html file in your web browser. You should see the Neumorphism Loader in action.

Code Structure

  • HTML: The structure of the loader is defined in index.html. It contains a loading box with a loading title and a loading circle to display the percentage.

  • CSS: The styling for the loader is defined in style.css. It applies neumorphism-style design to the loader elements, including shadows, gradients, and animations.

  • JavaScript: The loader functionality is implemented in script.js. It updates the loader percentage and animates the loading circle using JavaScript.


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