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3D Rotate Tube With Animated Text Using HTML and CSS


This is a simple HTML and CSS code snippet that creates a 3D rotating tube with animated text on its faces. The tube is displayed in a webpage and the text on each face of the tubr changes dynamically, creating a visually engaging effect.

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3D Rotate Tube with Animated Text

This is a simple HTML and CSS code snippet that creates a 3D rotating tube with animated text on its faces. The tube is displayed in a webpage and the text on each face of the tubr changes dynamically, creating a visually engaging effect.

How it Works

The code uses HTML and CSS to create the 3D rotating cube effect:

HTML Structure

The HTML structure is relatively simple:

  • The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration specifies the document type and language.
  • The <head> section includes metadata and references to external resources, such as fonts and a CSS file (style.css).
  • The <body> section contains a <div> element with the class container. Inside this container, there is another <div> with the class box, which represents the 3D cube. Within the box, there are multiple <span> elements, each containing text to be displayed on the cube’s faces.

CSS Styling

The CSS in the style.css file is responsible for the 3D rotating cube effect and the animated text:

  • Various font families are imported from Google Fonts to be used in the text.
  • Global reset rules ensure consistent styling across different browsers.
  • The body element is styled to create a full-page display and center the cube.
  • The .container class styles are used to center the .box element within the container.
  • The .box class is where the 3D cube effect is applied. It uses the transform-style property to enable 3D transformations and applies an animation called animate to achieve the rotation effect.
  • The .box span class styles each face of the cube. The background property adds a gradient background, and the transform property rotates each face along the X-axis.
  • The .box span i styles the <i> elements (italic text) within the spans, allowing for additional text formatting.
  • The @keyframes animate rule defines the animation sequence that rotates the cube along the X-axis and Y-axis, giving the illusion of a rotating cube.


  1. Copy the HTML code and save it in an HTML file.
  2. Copy the CSS code and save it in a file named style.css in the same directory as the HTML file.
  3. Open the HTML file in a web browser to see the 3D rotating cube with animated text.

Feel free to customize the text, fonts, colors, and animation properties to create your own unique 3D cube effect!


This code was inspired by a design created by Aarzoo on CodePen.


This code is released under the MIT License.


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