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3D Ice-cream Van Using HTML and CSS


The 3D Ice Cream Van project is a simple yet visually engaging demonstration of what can be achieved using HTML and CSS. It showcases the power of CSS for creating 3D-like effects, all without the use of any JavaScript. The project is perfect for anyone looking to learn or practice their CSS skills, especially in the context of creating visual and interactive elements.

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3D Ice Cream Van – HTML and CSS Project

Welcome to the 3D Ice Cream Van repository! This project is a delightful representation of an ice cream van created using only HTML and CSS. It brings a nostalgic touch of summer and treats right to your screen.


The 3D Ice Cream Van project is a simple yet visually engaging demonstration of what can be achieved using HTML and CSS. It showcases the power of CSS for creating 3D-like effects, all without the use of any JavaScript. The project is perfect for anyone looking to learn or practice their CSS skills, especially in the context of creating visual and interactive elements.


  • Pure HTML and CSS: The entire project is built using only HTML and CSS, demonstrating the potential of CSS for creating complex visual effects.
  • 3D-Like Design: The project showcases a visually pleasing ice cream van with a 3D-like effect, achieved entirely through CSS.
  • Responsive Design: The layout adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices.
  • Interactive Elements: While the project doesn’t utilize JavaScript, it still offers interactive elements like buttons that respond to hover actions.


  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning this repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Folder: Enter the project directory:

    cd 3D-Ice-cream-Van
  3. Open index.html: Simply open the index.html file in your preferred web browser to see the 3D Ice Cream Van in action.

  4. Interact and Enjoy: Hover over interactive elements, appreciate the visual design, and explore how the project was built using HTML and CSS.


Contributions to this project are currently not being accepted as it appears to be a personal project. However, feel free to fork the repository and create your own variations or improvements.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.


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